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The Canterville Ghost(Movie, 2023)

| 1h 29min | Genres: Animation, Comedy, Kids & Family, Fantasy
The Canterville GhostRating: 3.0/5 (with 11 vote) 506
The Canterville Ghost is a 2023 British animated fantasy comedy film directed by Kim Burdon and Robert Chandler. It is based on the short story of the same name by Oscar Wilde. The film stars the voices of Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Freddie Highmore, Emily Carey, Imelda Staunton, Toby Jones, Miranda Hart, David Harewood, and Meera Syal. ()
Movie poster of The Canterville Ghost

Where to watch The Canterville Ghost (cinema/streaming/download)?

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About The Canterville Ghost

An American family moves in to the Canterville Chase, a London mansion that has been haunted by ghost Sir Simon De Canterville for 300 years.

Trailer for The Canterville Ghost + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

Official Trailer(Trailer, 1:27)

Play VideoPlay Video
Official Trailer (Trailer) | UK Theatrical Trailer (Trailer) | Bedtime Stories (Clip) | Scary Ghost (Clip) | Grand Banquet (Clip) | The Eyes Have It (Clip) | Clip (Clip)

Additional Information

Production countries: Canada, United Kingdom (UK)
Based on the work of: Oscar Wilde ("The Canterville Ghost")
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 12 languages: Arabic (AR), Czech (CS), Greek (EL), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Hebrew (HE), Polish (PL), Russian (RU), Ukrainian (UK), Vietnamese (VI), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 10/20/2023 (World premiere: 09/22/2023)
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Le Fantôme de Canterville"
Budget: 540,000,000 USD
Revenue: 228,473,555 USD (= 42%)

Movie recommendations for The Canterville Ghost

Similar movies as The Canterville Ghost

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Other movies with this title: The Canterville Ghost (US, 1944), The Canterville Ghost (SE, 1962), The Canterville Ghost (1964), The Canterville Ghost (SU, 1970), The Canterville Ghost (GB, 1974), The Canterville Ghost (US, 1985), The Canterville Ghost (GB/US, 1986), The Canterville Ghost (US, 1988), The Canterville Ghost (US, 1996), The Canterville Ghost (GB, 1997), The Canterville Ghost (AU, 2001), The Canterville Ghost (DE, 2005), The Canterville Ghost (FR, 2016)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:57472, Added: 03/13/2018, Last updated: 02/09/2025