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Damsel(Movie, 2024)

1h 25min | Genres: Fantasy, Action, Adventure
DamselRating: 3.5/5 (with 11511,151 votes) 321
Damsel is a 2024 American dark fantasy film directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and written by Dan Mazeau. Millie Bobby Brown stars as Elodie, a young woman who accepts a marriage proposal only to realize that she is being used to repay a royal family's ancient debts and must now escape while surviving attacks from the dragon lurking in the chasm. The rest of the principal cast consists of Ray Winstone, Nick Robinson, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Angela Bassett, and Robin Wright. Damsel began streaming on Netflix to mixed re... ()
Movie poster of Damsel

Where to watch Damsel (cinema/streaming/download)?

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About Damsel

A young woman's marriage to a charming prince turns into a fierce fight for survival when she's offered up as a sacrifice to a fire-breathing dragon.

Trailer for Damsel + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

Official Trailer(Trailer, 3:00)

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Additional Information

Production countries: Spain, United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 42 languages: Arabic (AR), Azerbaijani (AZ), Bulgarian (BG), Catalan (CA), Czech (CS), Danish (DA), German (DE), Greek (EL), English (EN), Spanish (ES), Estonian (ET), Persian (FA), Finnish (FI), French (FR), Hebrew (HE), Hindi (HI), Hiri Motu (HO), Croatian (HR), Hungarian (HU), Indonesian (ID), Italian (IT), Japanese (JA), Georgian (KA), Korean (KO), Lithuanian (LT), Malay (MS), Dutch (NL), Norwegian (NO), Polish (PL), Portuguese (PT), Romanian (RO), Russian (RU), Slovak (SK), Slovenian (SL), Serbian (SR), Swedish (SV), Thai (TH), Tagalog / Filipino (TL), Turkish (TR), Ukrainian (UK), Vietnamese (VI), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 03/07/2024
Screenwriter: Dan Mazeau
Director of Photography: Larry Fong
Composer: David Fleming
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"A Donzela"
Budget: 60,000,000 USD
Revenue: 5,000 USD (= 0%)

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Other movies with this title: Damsel (US, 2017), Damsel (US, 2018), Damsel (2019)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:410413, Added: 11/16/2020, Last updated: 02/05/2025