
Tales of the Tardis(TV-Show/Serie, 2023-)

je Folge ca. 1 Std. 30 Min. | Genre: Science-Fiction & Fantasy

Scripted Reality in 1 Staffel mit 6 Folgen

Tales of the TardisBewertung: 2,8/5 (bei 1 Stimme)
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Inhalt von Tales of the Tardis

Classic Doctor Who duos are reunited as they board a very special TARDIS on a nostalgic voyage through space and time.

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Trailer für Tales of the Tardis + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

Introducing the Whoniverse! | Doctor Who(Teaser, 0:15)

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Tales of the Tardis Staffeln und Folgen

01.11.2023Staffel 1 - 6 Folgen
#1 | 01.11.2023Episode 1 (Earthshock)
The Doctor and Tegan meet again and remember their terrifying adventure against the Cybermen to save the Earth… and the friend they lost along the way.
#2 | 01.11.2023Episode 2 (The Mind Robber)
Jamie and Zoe meet again and remember their encounter with robots, clockwork soldiers and Medusa in a Land of Fiction governed by a mysterious master.
#3 | 01.11.2023Episode 3 (Vengeance on Varos)
The Doctor and Peri meet again and remember their conflict on the mining planet Varos: a world that entertains its people with sadistic TV broadcasts.
#4 | 01.11.2023Episode 4 (The Three Doctors)
Jo Jones and Clyde Langer meet again as she remembers when the Time Lords summoned three Doctors to fight an awesome adversary from Gallifrey’s past.
#5 | 01.11.2023Episode 5 (The Time Meddler)
Steven and Vicki meet again and remember their first adventure battling a time-travelling Monk about to change the course of history in 1066.
#6 | 01.11.2023Episode 6 (The Curse of Fenric)
The Doctor and Ace meet again and remember their battle against an ancient evil in World War Two where a Viking curse is bringing the dead back to life.

Weitere Informationen

Offizielle Webseiten:
Originalsprache: Englisch (EN)
Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch (EN)
Übersetzt in 3 Sprachen: Englisch (EN), Koreanisch (KO), Russisch (RU)
Produktionsstatus: Wiederkehrende Serie
Erste Folge erschien am: 01.11.2023
Alternative Titel in anderen Ländern (aus Vorankündigungen, Werbung etc.):
"Doctor Who: Tales of the TARDIS"
Stichwörter: doctor who

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WatchPlayStream ID: SHOWS:65620, Hinzugefügt: 24.12.2023, Zuletzt aktualisiert: 08.02.2024