Six teenagers with different lives and personalities attend a prominent private school with only one thing in common: their vocation and passion for music.
Andere Genres: Action & Abenteuer | Animation / Zeichentrick | Dokumentationen | Dramen | Kinder & Familie | Komödien | Krieg & Politik | Krimis | Mystery | News / Nachrichten | Reality-TV | Science-Fiction & Fantasy | Sonstiges | Talk-Shows | Western
Six teenagers with different lives and personalities attend a prominent private school with only one thing in common: their vocation and passion for music.
Diese Geschichte handelt von Beatrice Pinson Sorano. Sie ist eine talentierte Programmiererin, aber leider ist sie überhaupt nicht hübsch. Betty erkannte, dass sie kein Interesse an Männern hatte. Ihre erste und einzige Romanze war zu spät, um zu beginnen, denn sie endete sofort. Mit der Zeit musste sie sich daran gewöhnen, dass sie dazu bestimmt war, für immer allein zu sein.
Set in the 1990s, these are the life and times of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a man who became the head of the Juárez cartel. Nicknamed “El Señor de los Cielos” (Lord of the Skies) because of the large fleet of airplanes he used to transport drugs, he was also known for washing more than $200 million through Colombia to finance his huge fleet. He is described as the most powerful drug trafficker of his time.
Teresa Chavez is a young woman with an obsession for money and ambition. Despite her beauty and the fact that she was raised in the bosom of a loving family, she is resentful; her one desire is to leave her humble but poor neighbourhood.
Emiliano, a wealthy Mexican businessman, is ripped off by his friends and partners. Hidden in Bogotá, he receives help from Rosario, a mariachi singer. She does not know Emiliano’s background and that he is wanted by the police of two countries and by a criminal organization. With a new name and personality, he adapts well to his new life as a mariachi band member and finds in Rosario the love of his life. But he is afraid his secret will tear them apart. He needs to clear his name and resolve his case to avoid that fate. Meanwhile, he often finds his love tested and vulnerable to several rivals, but Rosario always trusts that he has been honest with her.
Brazil Avenue is a dynamic, lifelike, and modern telenovela that reveals how unrelenting ambition and inflicted cruelty can change a young girl’s destiny and lead her to seek revenge.
Fernando Lascurain is a wealthy businessman and recent widower, attempting to raise his seven unruly children. He seeks the assistance of a new nanny. He hires and falls in love with Ana Leal, a struggling exotic dancer who tries to hide her double life. Although Ana lacks experience and a refined education, she quickly bonds with the Lascurain children. Ana dreams of being a mother, but when her home is destroyed following an accident, she must borrow money from her ruthless boss at "Chicago", the night club where she is secretly employed. When Fernando simultaneously falls for Ana and Isabela, an economist and sophisticated woman who is trained by her mother to marry a millionaire, he must choose between both women.
True love threatens to tear a family apart in this epic Mexican serial set in the 1800s. Rich and beautiful Matilde falls in love with Adolfo, but her mother, Augusta, disapproves of the relationship when she learns Adolfo is poor. Augusta forces her daughter to marry rich and handsome Manuel Fuentes Guerra, but Matilde plays with fire by continuing to be with Adolfo. Adela Noriega, Fernando Colunga, Helena Rojo and Chantal Andere star.
Die argentinische Jugend-Telenovela von den Machern der Telenovela „Violetta“ dreht sich um die 16-jährige Luna, deren Eltern ein Jobangebot annehmen, für das die ganze Familie aus ihrer Heimat Mexiko ins argentinische Buenos Aires übersiedeln muss. Dort ermöglichen es die reichen Arbeitgeber ihrer Eltern, dass Luna eine Eliteschule besuchen kann. Nach anfänglichem Heimweh findet sie neue Freunde, und vor allem die Rollschuhbahn „Jam & Roller“ zieht sie in ihren Bann, denn Luna ist auf diesem Gebiet mit großem Talent gesegnet. Für geheimnisvolle Spannung sorgt zudem Lunas Vergangenheit: das Mädchen wurde als Zweijährige nach dem tragischen Tod ihrer leiblichen Eltern zur Adoption freigegeben.
The story begins in the city of Pi-Ramesses, in Egypt, at approximately 1300 B.C, when the powerful pharaoh Seti, orders the death of every male newborn in his hatred of the Hebrew people. Amidst the horrors of mass infanticide, one brave Hebrew family defies Pharaoh`s command and hides their child in a basket set afloat on the river Nile, trusting that God would carry him to safety.
Das Reboot der erfolgreichen 1980er-Soap „Dynasty“ (aka „Der Denver-Clan“) stammt von Josh Schwartz und Stephanie Savage. Die modernisierte Version von „Dynasty“ beruht natürlich auf der Primetime-Soap, die von 1981 bis 1989 für neun Staffeln lang bei ABC lief und in der es um zwei der reichsten Familien der USA, die Carringtons und die Colbys geht, die um die Kontrolle über ihr Vermögen und ihre Kinder konkurrieren. Dabei wird die Serie aus der Perspektive zweier Frauen erzählt, die miteinander wetteifern: Fallon Carrington (Elizabeth Gillies), die Tochter des Milliardärs Blake Carrington (Grant Show) und ihre baldige Stiefmutter Cristal (Nathalie Kelley), eine hispanische Frau, die in eine WASP-Familie einheiratet und somit zur Oberklasse gehören wird. In einer Ära, in der überall Dynastien erscheinen - vom Pay-TV bis in die Wahlkabinen - erzählt dieses epische Drama von dem einen Prozent der Glanz und Gloria, während gleichzeitig der dunkle Bodensatz offenbart wird: Eine korrupte Welt mit Hinterzimmerdeals, Betrug und in manchen Fällen Mord.
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Vier Jahre nachdem der Fernsehsender Showtime schwule Männer zum Dreh- und Angelpunkt seiner Serie "Queer as Folk" machte, war es Zeit für eine kleine Wende durch L Word. Dieses Drama, das sich mit einer stark verwurzelten Gruppe von Lesben in Los Angeles beschäftigt, war sowohl in Sachen Stil als auch Inhalt weit von seinem männlichen Arbeiterklasse-Gegenstück entfernt. Während die Männer von "Queer as Folk" ein tolles, wenn auch melodramatisches Leben in einer Mittelklasse-Gegend von Pittsburgh führten, waren die Frauen von L Word im sonnigen Kalifornien zuhause, mit all ihren beeindruckenden Häusern, erfolgreichen Jobs und sexy Klamotten. Jedoch orientierte sich L Word eher an den täglichen Dramen von Serien wie Die besten Jahre als an den Seifenoper-Schemata von "Queer as Folk", und das Resultat war überraschend emotional und effektiv – passend durchgestylt, aber nie übertrieben.
Doña Bárbara is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo, Sony Pictures Television International and RTI Colombia. Edith González and Christian Meier star in this adaptation of the 1929 novel by Venezuelan author Rómulo Gallegos.
A story of revenge and ambition, seduction and betrayal; all told from the perspective of an offended and abused woman named Altagracia. Altagracia represents the hundreds of thousands of Mexican women who have been victims of the violence by faceless men who are protected by impunity. But Altagracia, transformed into a strong-willed, ruthless man-eater known as La Doña, will seek out each and every one of these men to bring them to justice.
The adventures of Vicenta Acero, the feared coyote who now leads the dynasty of illicit dealings once under the control of her father.
La Fea Más Bella is a Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa. It is the second Mexican version of the popular Colombian telenovela: Betty la fea. La Fea más Bella stars popular actress/singer/comedian Angélica Vale and actor/singer Jaime Camil, with one of the most diverse and popular supporting casts ever assembled in Mexico, including Angélica María, José José, Sergio Mayer, Elizabeth Álvarez, Patricia Navidad and many others. Univision broadcast 2 hour episodes of La Fea Más Bella from September 13, 2010 to April 15, 2011 La Fea Más Bella also won the TV y Novelas award for best telenovela of the year. In 2009 it was dubbed into Arabic and aired on MTV Lebanon as Letty instead of La Fea Más Bella. "The Best Telenovela of the Year 2007".
A brave, poor young girl is welcomed into a rich family and develops a romance with their misogynist youngest son, driving a woman already in love with him to go to great lengths to destroy their relationship.
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Set on horse ranches around Houston, Texas, this Spanish-language telenovela covers the three Gallardo brothers' search for vengeance against the wealthy del Junco family, following the mysterious death of their rodeo-riding sister. The brothers soon become aware of the three beautiful del Junco daughters, and entanglements ensue...
The experiences of a group of young people interned at the Life Institute of Knowledge and Evolution (LIKE), a prestigious and cosmopolitan educational institution, with a supposedly modern and open educational system, but in reality it is deeply traditional and schematic.
Corazón indomable is a Mexican telenovela produced by Nathalie Lartilleux for Televisa. It is a remake of Marimar, produced in 1994, and starring Thalía and Eduardo Capetillo. Ana Brenda Contreras and Daniel Arenas star as the protagonists, while Ingrid Martz, Elizabeth Álvarez, Carlos de la Mota and René Strickler star as the antagonists.
Cuidado Con El Ángel is a Telenovela distributed by Televisa starring Maite Perroni and William Levy. The telenovela, a production of Nathalie Lartilleux, premiered on June 9, 2008 and finished its broadcast March 6, 2009. It had millions of viewers worldwide, and broke records in America.
A love story between a young girl wishing to become a professional model and a rich boy who works in a fashion house and falls in love with her.
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Porque el Amor Manda is a 2012 Mexican telenovela produced by Juan Osorio for Televisa. It is a remake of the Colombian telenovela El secretario, produced by Juan Andrés Flórez in 2011. Fernando Colunga and Blanca Soto star as the protagonists Claudia Álvarez stars as the antagonist.
The show's premise revolves around a pair of twin sisters who were separated when they were young, and as adults the younger sister is forced to act as a "replacement" for her wealthy twin who wants to temporarily leave her husband and his family to enjoy a life of luxury with multiple lovers.
The story of Captain Amalia Ortega, leader of a secret unit, whose mission is to capture the most wanted Mexican drug trafficker, putting both her profession and family's life at risk.
Carita de Angel is a remake of the telenovela Papa Corazon, which also was adapted for Mundo de juguete. Tells the story of Dulce Maria, a sweet, 5-year-old girl full of joy, compassion, and good feelings. After the death of her mother, her father Luciano Larios sinks into depression and lives abroad for a few years, leaving his daughter and loved ones behind. Dulce Maria enrolls in a Catholic boarding school for girls called "Reina de America" (Queen of America) to be taken care of by the nuns, as well as being taken care of by her uncle Gabriel, who is a priest.