
Filme der 1900er Jahre auf Englisch

Öffentliche Liste von WPS mit 185 Filmen bzw. TV-Shows/Serien

Verwandte Listen: Filme auf Englisch | 1910 | 1920 | 1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | 2020

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Es wurden 185 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/7):

Mad Love – Volle Leidenschaft(1995)

1 Std. 35 Min. | Drama, Romantik / Liebe
2,6/5 (bei 43 Stimmen)

Der stille, ernsthafte Matt und die quirlige, unberechenbare Casey verlieben sich ineinander, wild, spontan und leidenschaftlich. Doch Casey umgibt ein düsteres Geheimnis, das Matt – blind vor Liebe – nicht wahrhaben will. Als Casey ihn überredet, alles hinter sich zu lassen und mit ihr nach New Mexico zu fliehen, muß Matt auf der abenteuerlichen Fahrt dorthin ohnmächtig mit ansehen...

Der große Eisenbahnraub(1903)

12 Min. | Krimi, Action, Western
3,5/5 (bei 257 Stimmen)

Ein Angestellter einer Zugstation wird von vier Männern überwältigt und gefesselt, daraufhin überfallen sie einen Zug, indem sie den Zugführer bedrohen. Mit ihrer Beute machen sie sich auf die Flucht, aber ein kleines Mädchen hat den gefesselten Mann entdeckt und den Sheriff informiert – und der macht sich nun zusammen mit seinen Helfern auf die Jagd nach den Verbrechern...

Regie: Edwin Stanton Porter - Schauspieler: Alfred C. Abadie, Broncho Billy Anderson, Justus D. Barnes, Marie Murray, J. Barney Sherry, Morgan Jones, ...

Der Weizenkönig(1909)

14 Min. | Drama
3,1/5 (bei 40 Stimmen)

Während Spekulanten in heller Aufregung am Markt für Weizen spekulieren, wird das Brot immer teurer und auch die Bauern bleiben in Armut. Während die feine Gesellschaft der Spekulanten ein feudales Festbankett einnehmen, kommt es bei der armen Bevölkerung zu Konflikten, da sie sich kein Brot mehr leisten kann. Der als „Weizenkönig“ benannte Tycoon freut sich um seine Gewinne während er eine Mühle besichtigt. Er verliert den Halt und landet in im Auffangtrog der Mühle. Mit viel Mühe wird der Spekulant wieder herausgezogen.

Die einsame Villa(1909)

8 Min. | Thriller, Drama, Action
3,1/5 (bei 26 Stimmen)

Eine Gruppe Krimineller wartet, bis ein wohlhabender Mann das Haus verlässt, um in sein Haus einzubrechen und seine Frau und seine Töchter zu bedrohen. Frau und Töchter flüchten in einen der Räume, doch die Diebe brechen ein. Der Vater erfährt, was passiert und rennt nach Hause, um seine Familie zu retten.

Life of an American Fireman(1903)

6 Min. | Action
3,1/5 (bei 49 Stimmen)

Porter's sequential continuity editing links several shots to form a narrative of firemen responding to a house fire. They leave the station with their horse drawn pumper, arrive on the scene, and effect the safe rescue of a woman from the burning house. But wait, she tells them of her child yet asleep in the burning bedroom...

Regie: Edwin Stanton Porter, George S. Fleming - Schauspieler: James White

Die 400 Streiche des Teufels(1906)

21 Min. | Komödie, Fantasy, Horror
3,2/5 (bei 23 Stimmen)

Two travellers are tormented by Satan from inn to inn and eventually experience a buggy ride through the heavens courtesy of the Devil before he takes one of them down to Hell and roasts him on a spit.

Regie: Georges Méliès - Schauspieler: Georges Méliès

Der Luftkrieg der Zukunft(1909)

3,0/5 (bei 9 Stimmen)

Ein Erfinder konstruiert mit seinem Assistenten eine Rakete. - Die britische Produktion spielt mit der Furcht vor einer Invasion durch Luftschiffe und ahnt auf unheimliche Weise die Luftangriffe des Ersten Weltkrieges voraus.

Dream of a Rarebit Fiend(1906)

6 Min. | Fantasy, Komödie
3,2/5 (bei 29 Stimmen)

A live-action film adaptation of the comic strip Dream of the Rarebit Fiend by American cartoonist Winsor McCay. This silent short film follows the established theme: the “Rarebit Fiend” gorges himself on rarebit and thus suffers spectacular hallucinatory dreams.

Electrocuting an Elephant(1903)

1 Min. | Dokumentation
1,4/5 (bei 32 Stimmen)

This is a film taken of the execution of Topsy, an elephant employed to help build Luna Park on Coney Island.

Humorous Phases of Funny Faces(1906)

3,0/5 (bei 24 Stimmen)

A cartoonist draws faces and figures on a blackboard - and they come to life.

The Haunted Hotel(1907)

2,9/5 (bei 14 Stimmen)

A traveler stays the night at a rural inn, but gets no rest as he is tormented by various spectres and mysterious happenings.

A Midsummer Night's Dream(1909)

11 Min. | Fantasy, Komödie
2,6/5 (bei 6 Stimmen)

The worlds first screen adaptation of a Shakespeare play.

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Scrooge; or Marley's Ghost(1901)

4 Min. | Drama, Fantasy
2,7/5 (bei 13 Stimmen)

A scene from Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol.

The Cowboy Millionaire(1909)

21 Min. | Western
2,5/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Bud Noble, a handsome specimen of manhood, is foreman on the Circle "D" ranch outside of Circle City, Idaho, and our opening scene pictures Bud as the cowboy roping and tying a steer. With its bucking bronchos, pitching mustangs, bucking steers, and the biggest novelty ever, the acme of all thrillers, "see Bud bulldog a steer." Only three men have successfully accomplished this feat and lived to tell about it. Then Bud receives a shock. The local operator appears with a telegram. "Your Uncle John dead. You are sole heir to his estate valued at several millions. Come to Chicago at once." The astounded cowboys tumble over with sheer amazement. Bud buys and the scene closes with a characteristic rush for the bar.

Regie: Francis Boggs, Otis Turner - Schauspieler: William Garwood, Adrienne Kroell, Tom Mix, William Stowell

Those Awful Hats(1909)

2 Min. | Komödie
3,1/5 (bei 23 Stimmen)

A pair of young ladies cause trouble at the cinema with their lavish hats.

The Heart of O Yama(1908)

Pretty Miss Chrysanthemum has but little to say as to the disposal of her heart, at least, such is the custom in Japan. Her parents attend to that for her. However, pretty little O Yama Sum had a will of her own, and casting tradition to the winds, insisted upon making her own choice. The Grand Daimio has long loved the pretty O Yama and presents himself before her mother in quest of her hand. His offer is scorned by O Yama, for she loves another, a low-born but worthy warrior.

A Trap for Santa Claus(1909)

16 Min. | Drama
2,8/5 (bei 9 Stimmen)

The children of a household attempt to capture Santa, but they catch something else entirely.

The Taming of the Shrew(1908)

2,9/5 (bei 2 Stimmen)

Based on Shakespeare's play. Petruchio courts the bad-tempered Katharina, and tries to change her aggressive behavior.

The Fatal Hour(1908)

This one-reeler has been regarded as a classic example of a Griffith thriller. It engages with the Chinese White slave traffic from the perspective of a female detective, played by Marion Leonard, whose assignment is to expose and break the traffic ring. A fragment is widely available.

Die Geschichte der Kelly-Bande(1906)

2,7/5 (bei 14 Stimmen)

Die Geschichte der Kelly-Bande ist ein australischer Western aus dem Jahr 1906, der von der Figur des legendären australischen Gesetzlosen Ned Kelly handelt. Er gilt mit seiner ursprünglichen Spielzeit von ca. 70 Minuten als der weltweit erste Langfilm. Heute existieren nur noch Fragmente des Films.

Regie: Charles Tait, Millard Johnson, William Gibson - Schauspieler: John Tait

The Mended Lute(1909)

11 Min. | Western
2,3/5 (bei 9 Stimmen)

In an Indian tribe, a girl escapes from her father and suitor to be with the man she loves.

The Curtain Pole(1909)

13 Min. | Komödie
2,3/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

An upper class drawing room. A gentleman breaks the curtain pole and goes in search of a replacement, but he stops into a pub first. He buys a very long pole, and causes havoc everywhere he passes, accumulating an ever-growing entourage chasing him, until he escapes them through a bit of movie magic, only to discover that the pole has already been replaced.

Ben's Kid(1909)

11 Min. | Drama, Western, Komödie
3,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Buck Minor was the most detested man in Wolf Hollow, partly because he was quarrelsome and treacherous, partly because he abused and neglected his little wife, Molly, whom all the camp adored, and for whose sake it tolerated Buck.

The Call of the Wild(1908)

16 Min. | Komödie
2,3/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

George Redfeather, the hero of this subject, returns from Carlisle, where he not only graduated with high honors, but was also the star of the college football team. At a reception given in his honor by Lieut. Penrose, an Indian agent, the civilized brave meets Gladys, the lieutenant's daughter, and falls desperately in love with her.

Mr. Jones Has a Card Party(1909)

6 Min. | Komödie
2,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Mr. Jones, since his last escapade, had made strenuous efforts to amend the reputation he had gained in the eyes of the ladies of the Temperance League. But Oh! the ordeal, for such it was, was telling on him, and his pent-up spirits were threatening ebullition, when at last the chance comes. The league arranges to attend a three-days' convention out of town, and when Mrs. Jones departs, Jones sends a note to Smith, telling him to bring the gang, and they would have a "Prayer Meeting," enjoining him not to forget the "fixings." Well, the gang are not long in putting in an appearance, for they feel that every minute's delay is a chunk lost from a golden opportunity for fun.

The Country Doctor(1909)

14 Min. | Drama
3,1/5 (bei 16 Stimmen)

While caring for his sick daughter, a doctor is called away to the sickbed of a neighbor. He finds the neighbor gravely ill, and ignores his wife's pleas to come home and care for his own daughter, who has taken a turn for the worse.

The Devil(1908)

10 Min. | Komödie

Mack Sennett appears as a waiter in this film produced by the Biograph Company.

The Day After(1909)

10 Min. | Komödie
2,0/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

Mr. and Mrs. Hilton throw a New Year's Eve party. They agree not to drink the punch themselves, but as guests begin to arrive their resolve weakens, and soon they are both cavorting drunkenly. Next morning Mr. Hilton, feeling very sick, is conscience-stricken over his drunkenness and his behavior with another woman. He fears to face his wife until he discovers that she feels just as guilty herself.

The Little Darling(1909)

2 Min. | Komödie
2,4/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

This might be termed a comedy of errors, for the overzealousness of a lot of good-hearted simple folks places them in a rather embarrassing position. Lillie Green, who keeps a boarding house, receives a letter from her old school chum, Polly Brown, whom sin hasn't seen in years, to the effect that as Lillie has never seen her little darling daughter, she will send her for a few days' visit, asking that someone meet the child at the 3:40 train. Lillie's boarders are a bunch of kind-hearted bachelors, who at once prepare to give the "Little Darling" the time of her life, buying a load of toys, etc., for her amusement, also procuring a baby carriage with which to meet her at the train. You may imagine their embarrassment when they find that Tootsie, instead of being a baby, proves to be a handsome young lady of seventeen, whose tastes run rather to garden gates, shady lanes and quiet nooks, than toys. (Moving Picture World)

Regie: D. W. Griffith - Schauspieler: Mary Pickford, Charles Avery, Verner Clarges, John R. Cumpson, Robert Harron, Arthur V. Johnson, ...

Ben Hur(1907)

2,4/5 (bei 9 Stimmen)

Im frühen 1. Jahrhundert nach Christus lebt der Jude Ben Hur. Er gerät mit seinem früheren Freund Messala, einem römischen Hauptmann, aneinander. Die Handlung ist gerafft und kurz gehalten. Im Zentrum des Films steht das Wagenrennen, das an einem Strand in New Jersey mit örtlichen Feuerwehrleuten gedreht wurde.

Regie: Sidney Olcott, Harry T. Morey, Frank Oakes Rose - Schauspieler: Herman Rottger, William S. Hart
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