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Camp Blood Sammlung(2000-2024)

Chronicling a ten-year period in which a series of murders torment the campers and staff of Camp Blackwood.

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Es wurden 15 Filme für diese Auswahl gefunden (Seite 1/1):

Camp Blood: Clown Shark(2024)

After being dispatched by a young woman with the special ability to see horrendous murders in her visions, the evil spirit of the Camp Blood Killer passes into that fiercest of aquatic predators, The Great White Shark. When the killings begin anew, leaving law enforcement baffled, this courageous heroine must return to the woods of the infamous Camp Blood to face off again with a newly reincarnated killer before it's too late for everyone!

Camp Blood 9: Bride of Blood(2024)

1 Std. 9 Min. | Horror

When a group of misfit rockers rent an air bnb on the way to a festival they have no idea that they've booked an eternal stay in camp blood. The killer Clown is back, but this time he's taking a bride.

Camp Blood X: Animated(2023)

3,3/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

A new chapter — and a new level of terror! In this fully animated adventure, six college kids are heading out for a weekend in Florida. There is going to be a big party, a lot of sunshine and fun on the beach. It's a long drive, so a stop at Camp Blackwood will be a chance to get a good night's sleep... until the Clown shows up, and the blood starts flowing!

Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clown(2023)

Camp Blood is under new ownership as the updated "Camp Blackwood". Locals hope to bury the infamous clown killer's past, and release the victims from their torment. But when a pastor with ties to the previous grounds takes his church group out to make contact with restless spirits, wrath is all they are doomed to find. The clown killer is back, and this time he has an enemy of equal evil. His former cult followers have turned, as well as a vengeful witch, who will stop at nothing to see these titans of terror collide, and destroy anyone in their path.

Camp Blood 8: Revelations(2020)

1 Std. 22 Min. | Horror, Komödie
1,6/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

The Killing at Camp Blood stopped for a while. But the son of the original killer clown has carried on the machete and driven by his deranged mother, played by Sally Mullins (Things 4, Lights Out With David Spade), continues to kill anyone who trespasses in his woods. When a group of female volleyball players' vehicle breaks down in the woods, they are all potential victims of the killer clown. Their leader and coach Dolly, played by Phoebe Dollar (Hell's Highway, Sunset Society), devices a plan that is meant to help them escape, but could possible get them all killed. Is she in on the murders" Does she have a dark secret herself? All will be revealed.

Regie: Dennis Devine - Schauspieler: Phoebe Dollar

Children of Camp Blood(2020)

1 Std. 9 Min. | Horror
2,3/5 (bei 1 Stimme)

A group of emotionally disturbed teenagers attend a remote retreat to work through their fears of the infamous "Camp Blood Killer". But could this local legend be all too real? And if so who will survive?

Ghost of Camp Blood(2018)

1 Std. 13 Min. | Horror
2,5/5 (bei 6 Stimmen)

For years, the infamous Blackwood Forest was terrorized by the Camp Blood Killer. Now, the killer is back as a vengeful spirit seeking revenge from beyond the grave.

It Kills: Camp Blood 7(2017)

1 Std. 9 Min. | Horror
2,9/5 (bei 5 Stimmen)

A group of college kids on break find themselves in a terrifying situation when they become stranded at the infamous Camp Blood.

Camp Blood 5(2016)

1 Std. 10 Min. | Horror
1,7/5 (bei 9 Stimmen)

Raven, the only survivor of a previous massacre, returns to the forest to avenge her fallen friends and stop Camp Blood Killer once and for all.

Camp Blood 4(2016)

1 Std. 11 Min. | Horror
1,8/5 (bei 10 Stimmen)

A bunch of college friends stop at the notorious Camp Blood on their way to a rock concert. But there is someone lurking in the woods nearby, ready to arrange one hell of a night for unfortunate campers.

Camp Blood 666(2016)

1 Std. 16 Min. | Horror
3,1/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

Various characters investigate the disappearance of a young boy at Camp Blood and fall prey to evil clowns.

Camp Blood First Slaughter(2014)

1 Std. 13 Min. | Horror, Thriller
1,8/5 (bei 11 Stimmen)

A group of students on a class assignment travel to the infamous Camp Blood woods in the hopes of debunking a local legend.

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Camp Blood 3 - Within the Woods(2005)

1 Std. 25 Min. | Horror
2,8/5 (bei 4 Stimmen)

Ein Produzent möchte sich das legendäre Camp Blood zu Nutze machen, indem er dort mit jungen Menschen eine Reality-Show für das Internet aufzieht. Die Leute sollen 24 Stunden im Wald verbringen und werden dabei gefilmt. Der Produzent engagiert zusätzlich einen Clown, der die Mitwirkenden erschrecken soll, um die Ereignisse aufzupeppen. Das ist jedoch gar nicht nötig, denn ein echter Killerclown ist schon längst wieder im Camp Blood tätig...

Regie: Brad Sykes

Camp Blood 2 - The Revenge(2000)

1 Std. 14 Min. | Horror
2,5/5 (bei 10 Stimmen)

Tricia hat als Einzige das Massaker von Camp Blood überlebt und vegetiert nun in einer Irrenanstalt vor sich hin. Nun möchte ein Regisseur Kapital aus der Tragödie schlagen und die Geschichte üm den Killerclown verfilmen. Tricia soll dabei als Beraterin fungieren. Doch der Filmdreh steht unter keinem guten Stern, denn bald schon metzelt ein Typ mit Clownmaske das Ensemble nieder. Tricia muss den Kampf aufnehmen...

Regie: Brad Sykes - Schauspieler: Patrick Thomas

Camp Blood(2000)

1 Std. 13 Min. | Horror
2,4/5 (bei 14 Stimmen)

Vier abenteuerlustige Jugendliche entschließen sich, während ihrer Ferien einen Camping-Ausflug in die Wälder zu machen. Doch eines morgens wird ihr Führer grausam umgebracht und die jungen Leute sind plötzlich auf sich allein gestellt. Mitten in der endlosen Wildnis scheint es fast unmöglich, Hilfe zu holen oder zurück in die Zivilisation zu finden. Außerdem verfolgt sie ein wahnsinniger Killer mit einer Clown-Maske. Immer schneller, hinterlistiger und grausamer versucht der blutrünstige Clown die jungen Leute zu töten und bald stellt sich die Frage, ob überhaupt jemand diesen blutigen Camping-Ausflug überleben kann.

Regie: Brad Sykes - Schauspieler: Tim Young
WatchPlayStream ID: COLLECTIONS:2149