
Joseph Dougherty

Screenwriter / Television Producer | * 1951 (73) | United States of America / the United States of America (United States of America (USA))
Joseph Dougherty is an American television producer, writer, and director. He has written for such television series as Thirtysomething, for which he won an Emmy Award and a Humanitas Prize. Dougherty has also written for Judging Amy, Saving Grace, Pretty Little Liars, and the HBO film Cast a Deadly Spell. ()
Most frequent genres for this person: Drama | TV Movies | Mystery

Known for these Movies & Shows

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Movies with Joseph Dougherty as Crew(12)

Production/Executive Producer1999 Pirates of Silicon Valley
Production/Co-Executive Producer1996 Harvey
Writing/Teleplay1996 Harvey
Directing/Director1995 Abandoned and Deceived
Writing/Writer1995 Abandoned and Deceived
Production/Executive Producer1994 Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
Writing/Writer1994 Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman
Production/Co-Executive Producer1994 Witch Hunt
Writing/Writer1994 Witch Hunt
Production/Associate Producer1991 Steel and Lace
Writing/Writer1991 Steel and Lace
Writing/Writer1991 Cast a Deadly Spell

TV Shows/Series with Joseph Dougherty as Crew(17)

Production/Executive Producer2013 Ravenswood
Writing/Writer2013 Ravenswood
Creator/Creator2013 Ravenswood
Production/Producer2010 Pretty Little Liars
Production/Executive Producer2010 Pretty Little Liars
Directing/Director2010 Pretty Little Liars
Writing/Writer2010 Pretty Little Liars
Writing/Writer2007 Saving Grace
Writing/Writer2004 Clubhouse
Writing/Writer2002 Presidio Med
Writing/Writer1999 Once and Again
Writing/Writer1999 Judging Amy
Creator/Creator1998 Hyperion Bay
Production/Producer1987 thirtysomething
Writing/Writer1987 thirtysomething
Writing/Writer1987 Private Eye
Writing/Story1979 Tales of the Unexpected

Full Name: Joseph Dougherty
Born: 1951 in United States of America / the United States of America (United States of America (USA)) (current age: 73 years)
Joseph Dougherty frequently works together with these people:
Edward Zwick (9x, Crew)
I. Marlene King (8x, Crew)
Oliver Goldstick (6x, Crew)
Andrew Ray (6x, Actor)
Roald Dahl (5x, Crew)
Elodie Keene (5x, Crew)
Forbes Collins (4x, Actor)
Daniel Cerone (4x, Crew)
Ron Lagomarsino (4x, Crew)
Dan Martin (4x, Actor)
WatchPlayStream ID: PEOPLE:154969, Added: 07/05/2018, Last updated: 04/14/2024