
The Juliette Year(Movie, 1995)

Original title: "L'année Juliette" (French/FR)
1h 25min | Genre: Comedy
The Juliette YearRating: 2.9/5 (with 33 votes)
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Movie poster of The Juliette Year

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About The Juliette Year

Camille Prader, back from a physicians' meeting, is waiting for his suitcase on the Airport conveyor belt. Clémentine, his girlfriend of the day, has come to fetch him. With a radiant smile, she tells Fabrice that she left everything to live with him. When Camille picks a case he realizes ha has taken the wrong one. The label shows it belongs to a musician called Juliette Graveur. Hegrasps the occasion to run away from Clémentine by claiming Juliette is his mistress....

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Additional Information

Production country: France
Original language: French (FR)
Spoken languages: French (FR)
Translated into 2 languages: English (EN), French (FR)
Status: Released
Release date US: 03/20/1995

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:126484, Added: 03/25/2018, Last updated: 08/24/2024