
The Judge(Movie, 2001)

The JudgeRating: 2.8/5 (with 11 vote)
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Movie poster of The Judge

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About The Judge

When a key witness in a case of corruption is killed in courts all suspicion falls on Judge Armando Acosta. Now the judge Madiani will defend his innocence.

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 6 languages: English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Italian (IT), Dutch (NL), Ukrainian (UK)
Status: Released
Release date US: 05/06/2001

Other movies with this title: The Judge (US, 1949), The Judge (IN, 1959), The Judge (SE, 1960), The Judge (FR, 1984), The Judge (BG, 1986), The Judge (MK/DE, 2002), The Judge (DK, 2005), The Judge (US, 2014), The Judge (US, 2017)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:143254, Added: 03/30/2018, Last updated: 02/21/2023