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Speechless(Movie, 1994)

| 1h 39min | Genres: Romance / Love, Comedy
SpeechlessRating: 3.0/5 (with 4040 votes)
Speechless is a 1994 American romantic comedy film directed by Ron Underwood. It stars Michael Keaton, Geena Davis (who also co-produced with her then-husband, director Renny Harlin), Bonnie Bedelia, Ernie Hudson, and Christopher Reeve. ()
Movie poster of Speechless

Where to watch Speechless (cinema/streaming/download)?

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About Speechless

In the midst of election season in New Mexico, political speechwriters Julia Mann and Kevin Vallick begin a romance, unaware they are working for candidates on opposite sides.

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Trailer for Speechless + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

Speechless (1994) Original Trailer [FHD](Trailer, 2:57)

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 12 languages: Bulgarian (BG), German (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Hungarian (HU), Italian (IT), Korean (KO), Dutch (NL), Portuguese (PT), Russian (RU), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 12/16/1994
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Apenas Bons Amigos"
"Chérie, vote pour moi"
Revenue: 20,667,959 USD

Movie recommendations for Speechless

Similar movies as Speechless

These movies are similar to Speechless (story/era etc.):

La Chinoise

Certification unknown

1967 | 3.5/5 | 1h 39min



1968 | 3.6/5 | 2h 10min

Pieces of April


2003 | 3.2/5 | 1h 21min



2004 | 3.7/5 | 2h 1min

Other movies with this title: Speechless (US, 2006), Speechless (2008), Speechless (US, 2009), Speechless (PH, 2011), Speechless (CN, 2012), Speechless (US, 2015), Speechless (DE, 2016), Speechless (US, 2017), Speechless (GB, 2023)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:13676, Added: 02/19/2018, Last updated: 01/16/2025