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Seduction(Movie, 1973)

Original title: "La seduzione" (Italian/IT)
1h 39min | Genres: Drama, Romance / Love
SeductionRating: 3.2/5 (with 55 votes)
La seduzione, internationally released as Seduction, is a 1973 Italian erotic film, directed by Fernando Di Leo and based on the novel Graziella by Ercole Patti. ()
Movie poster of Seduction

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About Seduction

After returning to Catania after a long period of time, Giuseppe reunites with his old lover, Caterina. Her 15 year-old daughter, Graziella begins to seduce her mother's lover and he soon breaks down and begins an affair with her. As time passes Caterina begins having sneaking suspicions about Giuseppe's & Graziella's relationship.

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Trailer for Seduction + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

Video(Teaser, 2:44)

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Additional Information

Production country: Italy
Shot in: Catania
Plays in: Sicily
Made by: Daunia
Original language: Italian (IT)
Spoken languages: Italian (IT)
Translated into 8 languages: German (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), Persian (FA), French (FR), Italian (IT), Russian (RU), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/01/1973
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):

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Other movies with this title: Seduction (1991), Seduction (US, 2006), Seduction (PH, 2013)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:89963, Added: 03/18/2018, Last updated: 01/11/2025