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Roller Boogie(Movie, 1979)

| 1h 43min | Genres: Drama, Romance / Love
Roller BoogieRating: 3.0/5 (with 1717 votes)
Roller Boogie is a 1979 American teen musical exploitation film about roller disco, directed by Mark L. Lester and starring Linda Blair, Jim Bray, Beverly Garland, Roger Perry, Mark Goddard, Jimmy Van Patten, and Kimberly Beck. Set in the Venice suburb of Los Angeles at the height of the roller skating fad of the late 1970s, it follows an upper-class young woman (Blair) who falls in love with a working class skater (Bray). The two seek to thwart efforts from a powerful mobster attempting to acquire the land where a popular roller rink is located. The film was developed by Irwin Yablans, head of Compass International Pictures, who had experienced notable commercial success with Halloween (1978), which was a major box-office hit the year prior. Filming took place in Los Angeles in the summer of 1979,... ()
Movie poster of Roller Boogie

Where to watch Roller Boogie (cinema/streaming/download)?

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About Roller Boogie

Teen lovers Bobby and Terry band together with other roller skaters to try and prevent a powerful mobster taking over the land their favourite skating rink sits on, and compete in the Boogie Contest.

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Trailer for Roller Boogie + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

TV Trailer(Trailer, 0:31)

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TV Trailer (Trailer) | Trailer (Trailer) | Trailers From Hell (Featurette)

Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 5 languages: German (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), Korean (KO), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 12/19/1979

Movie recommendations for Roller Boogie

If you like Roller Boogie then you might also like the following movies:

The Warped Forest

Certification unknown

2011 | 2.6/5 | 1h 22min

Snowman's Land

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2010 | 3.1/5 | 1h 38min

Action U.S.A.

Certification unknown

1989 | 2.6/5 | 1h 37min


Certification unknown

1980 | 2.9/5 | 1h 26min



1977 | 2.9/5 | 1h 36min



1983 | 3.1/5 | 1h 24min

Similar movies as Roller Boogie

These movies are similar to Roller Boogie (story/era etc.):

Freak Out


2003 | 2.6/5 | 2h 22min

The Music Machine

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1979 | 1h 33min

Czekając na sobotę

Certification unknown

2010 | 3.0/5 | 1h 10min

Love at First Bite

Certification unknown

1979 | 3.0/5 | 1h 36min

Don Camillo

Certification unknown

1984 | 2.9/5 | 2h 6min
WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:67944, Added: 03/15/2018, Last updated: 01/20/2025