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Confidential Assignment Collection(2017-2022)

Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama

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Confidential Assignment 2: International(2022)

2h 9min | Action, Comedy
3.5/5 (with 27 votes)

Follows Rim Chul Ryung heading back to South Korea in pursuit of a brutal and secret criminal organization. He teams up again with Kang Jin Tae, who volunteers to work with the North Korean in order to get back on the investigation team after a mistake landed him in the cyber crime department.

Directed by Lee Seok-hoon - With Hyun Bin, Yoo Hai-Jin, Lim Yoon-an, Daniel Henney, Jin Seon-kyu, Park Min-ha, ...

Confidential Assignment(2017)

| 2h 5min | Action, Drama
3.4/5 (with 41 votes)

When a crime organization from North Korea crosses borders and enters South Korean soil, a South Korean detective must cooperate with a North Korean detective to investigate their whereabouts.

WatchPlayStream ID: COLLECTIONS:4306