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Bang Rajan Collection(2000-2010)

Genres: Action, Drama, History, War

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Bang Rajan 2(2010)

2h 7min | Action, Drama, History, War
3.0/5 (with 4 votes)

After Bang Rajan village’s warriors bravely battled to massive Burmese army was at the end with a defeat, but their patriotism inspired to other villagers left getting up to fight with the great invader. On the way of the Burmese troops waltzing to seize the capital, a few brave villagers reunited a tiny guerrilla and called themselves as The Talisman paladins to ambush the enemies. Finally the tiny underdog troop became to the major obstruction when the Burmese army have lost many soldiers in battle.

Bang Rajan(2000)

| 1h 53min | Action, History, War
3.2/5 (with 16 votes)

Set right before the fall of Thailand's old capital, Ayuttaya, Bang Rajan draws on the legend of a village of fighters who bravely fended off the Burmese armies. With no support from the Royal army, the villagers drives the invading Burmese away many times until their names have become legendary during the time. As each subsequent battles becomes fiercer, the villagers tries to forge a canon to battle the enemy in a final battle where everyone, women and children included, die in combat.

WatchPlayStream ID: COLLECTIONS:1256