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Amin Jensen Collection(2001-2008)

Genres: Comedy, Music

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Amin Jensen: Stort II(2008)

1h 36min
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)

Large II "released on DVD in a special issue in a nice box which also contains a book, in the form of" Life Is Large "- a brutally honest, touching and humorous autobiography.

Amin Jensen: Blæs på DK(2005)

1h 36min | Comedy, Music
2.5/5 (with 1 vote)

Blow on DK is the most critically acclaimed comedy show, Amin Jensen has ever done. It is a show where the combination of music, parodies and sublime humor is perfect - and this time something more "to edge" than we have experienced Amin Jensen.

Hit Med Amin - 10 Års Jubilæumsshow(2003)

Siden Januar 2003 har Amin Jensen væltet det ene teater og koncerthus efter det andet. Mere end 35000 danskere har moret sig over Amin og de tre musikere Jens Krøyer, Dan Rasmussen og Niels Ratzer i Amins forrygende jubilæumsshow "Hit Med Amin". Amin er bedre end nogensinde før. Et show med masser af humor, parodier, satire, musik og sang. Ganske enkelt: En af årets store showoplevelser!

Amin Jensen: 150 kg over bæltestedet(2003)

1h 20min | Comedy, Music
2.5/5 (with 1 vote)

Recording of Amin Jensen's critically aclaimed comedy stage show from 1999.

Amin Jensen: Stort(2001)

43min | Comedy
2.6/5 (with 2 votes)

Amin's Store show has sold platinum and rounded 50,000 units. Great show from 2000. Amin doing blah. parody of the line, singing "wish I could say" and the best stand-up. 95 min. top entertainment. On DVD one is behind the show. where we follow the team throughout the trip. See more pictures from the show here.

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