
The Serpent Queen(TV show/series, 2021-)

Scripted Reality in 1 season with 1 episodes

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About The Serpent Queen

Considered an immigrant, common and plain, Catherine de Medici is married into the 16th century French court as an orphaned teenager expected to bring a fortune in dowry and produce many heirs, only to discover that her husband is in love with an older woman, her dowry is unpaid and she’s unable to concieve. Yet, only with her intelligence and determination, she manages to keep her marriage alive and masters the bloodsport that is the monarchy better than anyone else, ruling France for 50 years.

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The Serpent Queen Seasons and Episodes

?Season 1 - 1 episode
#1 | 09/11/2022Medici Bitch
4.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Queen Catherine begins to tell the story of her life to Rahima, a servant girl, revealing how she came to enter the French Royal Court at the age of 14.
#2 | 09/18/2022To War Rather Than To Bed
4.0/5 (with 2 votes)
Young Catherine begins to learn how to outwit the royal household in order to secure her future.
#3 | 09/25/2022The Price
4.0/5 (with 2 votes)
Prince Henri returns from war with a new mistress, Filippa, and a baby. Catherine resorts to extreme measures to produce an heir.
#4 | 10/02/2022A New Era
4.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Catherine has become a mother. King Francis suffers a fall from his horse while hunting with Henri and Catherine.
#5 | 10/09/2022The First Regency
4.0/5 (with 1 vote)
King Henri departs to lead an army to defend France and places Catherine in charge as Regent, allowing her to test her powers further. Catherine asks Rahima to search Mary's room for a letter.
#6 | 10/16/2022The Last Joust
4.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Catherine has a dream that predicts that her husband will be wounded while jousting. Catherine and Henri decide that their son Francis should delay his wedding to Mary.
#7 | 10/23/2022An Attack on the King
4.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Mary visits Rahima and recounts her side of the story of life at the Royal Court. Catherine and Mary have conflicting views when it comes to freedom of religion in France.
#8 | 10/30/2022A Queen Is Made
4.0/5 (with 1 vote)
The planned kidnapping of King Francis goes awry but Catherine devises a new plan to allow her control of the country.

Additional Information

Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Unknown

Other TV shows/series with this title: The Serpent Queen (US, 2022)

WatchPlayStream ID: SHOWS:47400, Added: 05/16/2021, Last updated: 09/10/2021