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The Fugitive(TV show/series, 2020)

| 8min per episode | Genres: Drama, Action & Adventure

Scripted Reality in 1 season with 14 episodes

The FugitiveRating: 3.1/5 (with 16 votes)
The Fugitive is an American action thriller television series directed by Stephen Hopkins and developed by Nick Santora for Quibi. Classified as a contemporary update to the plot from the 1963 television series and its 1993 film adaptation, albeit with new characters, it serves as the fifth release in the titular franchise. The series premiered on August 3, 2020. Episodes are between six and nine minutes long. ()
Poster of The Fugitive

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About The Fugitive

Falsely accused of bombing a Los Angeles subway train by “tweet-now, confirm-later” journalism, blue collar worker Mike Ferro must prove his innocence by uncovering the real perpetrator, before the legendary cop heading the investigation can apprehend him.

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Don't risk your personal information and online activities being exposed to hackers, government surveillance, and other online threats. A VPN encrypts your internet connection and hides your IP, giving you maximum security and privacy. Take control of your online safety, switch to a VPN now. Learn more:

Trailer for The Fugitive + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

THE FUGITIVE Official Trailer (2020)(Trailer, 0:51)

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The Fugitive Seasons and Episodes

08/03/2020Season 1 - 14 episodes
#1 | 08/03/2020Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Mike works with his parole officer to get back on his feet after being released from prison. Just as hope sets in, he finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
#2 | 08/03/2020Smile for The Camera
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
In the aftermath of the explosion, the LAPD Counter-Terrorist Bureau and an investigative journalist, Pritti, start the search for a suspect.
#3 | 08/03/2020Run!
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Pritti goes undercover to get info on Mike's involvement. Clay and the team at the LAPD use their own strategies to further the investigation.
#4 | 08/04/2020Going Underground
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Mike is officially a suspect on the run. By taking matters into his own hands, he only further convinces the LAPD of his guilt.
#5 | 08/05/2020When Mike Met Clay
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Mike escapes the subway with Clay’s gun, making him an armed suspect. Meanwhile, Pritti gets a big break at work due to her risky reporting methods.
#6 | 08/06/2020A Lifeline
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
The LAPD search Mike’s house. As Allison tries to prove her and Mike’s innocence, Pearl gets a call from a witness who claims they want to help.
#7 | 08/07/2020Again
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Clay sticks strongly to his initial instinct as his team starts to doubt Mike’s guilt. Meanwhile, Mike finds himself yet again in the wrong place at the wrong time.
#8 | 08/10/2020Hunted Becomes the Hunter
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
After yet another bombing, Pritti and the LAPD decide to join forces. But Mike has insider info to find the real bomber on his own.
#9 | 08/11/2020C. Bravo, Esq.
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Under the radar and desperate for answers, Mike searches for Dale’s real identity. Meanwhile, the LAPD follows their lead on the burner phone.
#10 | 08/12/2020Getting the Gang Back Together
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Mike closes in on the real bomber while Clay and his team encounter trouble tracking the burner. Pritti makes a questionable decision in her eagerness to follow the story.
#11 | 08/13/2020When Mike Met Ronnie
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
Mike turns to an old prison connection for help tracking the real bomber. But when things get threatening, he finds himself in more trouble.
#12 | 08/14/2020Changing Direction
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
The LAPD search Colin Murphy’s house and make a critical discovery. Meanwhile, Mike looks to Kevin’s wife Ronnie for help making his case against Murphy.
#13 | 08/17/2020When Mike Met Colin
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
With Murphy now the new fugitive, both the LAPD and Mike work separately to find the target of the third bomb.
#14 | 08/18/2020How It All Ends
3.0/5 (with 1 vote)
The chase for the fugitive comes to a head when Colin threatens Mike's family. But neither Mike or the LAPD are ready to give up the fight.

Additional Information

Official websites:
Production country: United States of America (USA)
Based on: "The Fugitive" (TV show/series, 1963-)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 12 languages: Czech (CS), Danish (DA), Greek (EL), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Hebrew (HE), Korean (KO), Dutch (NL), Russian (RU), Turkish (TR), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Ended
First episode released on: 08/03/2020
Last episode released on: 08/18/2020

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Other TV shows/series with this title: The Fugitive (US, 1963), The Fugitive (US, 2000)

WatchPlayStream ID: SHOWS:36915, Added: 02/03/2020, Last updated: 02/06/2025