After their coronation, the princesses have a new challenge: getting accepted to the Princess Adventure Academy! But first they must complete six quests.
#1 | 05/20/2024Four-Fruitdom Princess Coronation
When the seed silo breaks on the eve of their coronation, the princesses follow a riddle that sends them on a voyage to the Cave of Sparkleseed Secrets.
#2 | 05/20/2024Princess Camp Out Stake Out
To catch the critter that's been eating all the ripe raspberries off the bushes at night, the princesses go on a royal "camp out stake out."
#3 | 05/20/2024Princess Pie Surprise
After Bea accidentally botches a blueberry pie delivery, the princesses get creative to bake a fresh batch in time for the All-Fruitdom Treat-and-Greet.
#4 | 05/20/2024Princess Babysitters Club
Bea offers to babysit Queen Olivia's niece and nephew so the Fruitizens can attend "Fruitloose The Musical" — if she can distract the kids long enough.
#5 | 05/20/2024Princess Royal Wedding
Queen Ryung and Queen Olivia are getting married! Can Rita and her new little sister Omera plan a royal wedding while trying to impress a special guest?
#6 | 05/20/2024Princess Eco-Chase
On their first Crystal Key Quest, academy hopefuls compete in a Princess Eco-Chase — but Princess Delia Dragonfruit brings out Bea's competitive side.
#7 | 05/20/2024Princess Nest Pest
Kira follows a trail of sparkly feathers for the princesses' next Crystal Key Quest — and finds a much bigger surprise than she was expecting.
#8 | 05/20/2024Princess Bridge Over Troubled Water
The princesses search for pieces of the legendary Guac-enspiel in the Avocado Fruitdom, but the Avocadians are separated by water — and a grumpy shark.
#9 | 05/20/2024The Princesses and the Beanstalk
To release a tiny crystal key, the princesses need to water their Sparkleseed — but there's a four-Fruitdom drought. Time for a Precipitation Station!
#10 | 05/20/2024Princess Friends Un-Forever
After taking a day-long journey to a strange Fruitdom, the princesses encounter a tart-stealing mystery monster! Can they work together to catch it?
#11 | 05/20/2024Princesses Seas the Day4.5/5 (with 1 vote)
On their final Crystal Key Quest, the princesses must defend their Fruitizens from a pirate — even if it means giving up the Princess Adventure Academy.