
The Man Who Predicted 9/11(Movie, 2005)

43min | Genres: Documentary, War
The Man Who Predicted 9/11Rating: 3.0/5 (with 11 vote)
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Movie poster of The Man Who Predicted 9/11

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About The Man Who Predicted 9/11

After the planes hit on 9/11, Morgan Stanley security chief Rick Rescorla put into effect plans that he had developed years before. Rick had seen the potential for an airborne suicide attack on the twin towers as part of evaluating the risk posed to his wards within their building. After the attack in 1993 Rick took it personally to prepare and avoid the chaotic scenes that came with the 93 attack. This documentary tells the story of the man who predicted the 9/11 attacks and saved thousands of lives and died in the process.

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 2 languages: English (EN), Spanish (ES)
Status: Released
Release date DE: 09/05/2005

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:68304, Added: 03/15/2018, Last updated: 04/15/2024