
The King of the White Elephant(Movie, 1940)

Original title: "พระเจ้าช้างเผือก" (Thai/TH)
1h 40min | Genres: Drama, War
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The King of the White Elephant (Thai: พระเจ้าช้างเผือก or Prajao Changpeuk; RTGS: Phrachao Chang Phueak) is a 1940 Thai historical drama film. Based on a novel by Pridi Banomyong, who was also the producer, and released before Thailand's involvement in World War II, the English-language film carried a propaganda message from anti-war interests in Thailand, that Thailand should remain neutral, and only go to war to defend its sovereignty against foreign invaders. However, on December 8, 1941, Thailand was occupied by the Japanese and officially sided with the Axis powers during the war. ()
Movie poster of The King of the White Elephant

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About The King of the White Elephant

Set in the Ayutthaya Kingdom of the 16th century, King Chakra is going about his usual palace duties, granting audiences to his advisers, including his Lord Chamberlain, who is keen to see the king fulfill his royal duty of taking 366 wives, including, hopefully among them, the chamberlain's own daughter. Based on a novel and produced by Pridi Banomyong and released before Thailand's involvement in World War II, the English-language film carried a propaganda message from anti-war interests in Thailand, that Thailand should remain neutral, and only go to war to defend its sovereignty against foreign invaders.

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Additional Information

Production country: Thailand
Plays in: Thailand
Made by: Pridi Films
Original language: Thai (TH)
Spoken languages: Thai (TH)
Translated into 2 languages: English (EN), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 04/04/1941 (World premiere: 07/27/1940)
Director: Pridi Banomyong
Producer: Pridi Banomyong
Screenwriter: Pridi Banomyong
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"King of the White Elephant"
"Phra Chao Chang Phueak"
"Phrachao Chang Phueak"
Color: Black & White (B/W)

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:217677, Added: 04/28/2018, Last updated: 08/14/2024