
The King of the Two Day Wonder(Movie, 1979)

1h 7min | Genre: Drama
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The King of the Two Day Wonder is a 1979 Australian film. It was directed by Kevin Anderson, and starred Walter Dobrowolski and Sigrid Thornton. Anderson's first dramatic film, it was made with a low budget over a period of four years. It was screened at the 1978 Chicago International Film Festival, (where it was nominated for a Gold Hugo Award.) and the Mannheim International Film Festival in 1978. ()
Movie poster of The King of the Two Day Wonder

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About The King of the Two Day Wonder

A writer of 'pulp' detective fiction is forced to confront a tragedy from his past. As he struggles to complete his latest novel his real and fantasy worlds collide, threatening his very existence.

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Additional Information

Production country: Australia
Original language: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 05/28/1979
Director: Kevin Anderson
WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:84444, Added: 03/17/2018, Last updated: 08/27/2024