
The King Boxer(Movie, 2000)

1h 30min | Genres: Action, Comedy, Adventure
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Movie poster of The King Boxer

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About The King Boxer

The King Boxer shares a name with two early 70's martial arts films, but shares a lot more with some later vintage films of the genre. Most obvious is Fong Sai Yuk, from which large chunks of plot are lifted, but the not-particularly-observant will recognise elements from Fist Of Legend and Tai Chi Master and Sammo's Prodigal Son. Well, original story lines aren't exactly a strong feature of the kung fu genre I guess tongue.gif Chin Kar Lok stars as the headstrong young (!) son of a business man who is far more interested in learning Kung Fu than business wiles, and joins the Yiyin kung fu school despite the fact their master was just defeated by their rivals and it is going to close.

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Additional Information

Production country: Hong Kong
Original language: English (EN)
Translated into 2 languages: English (EN), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/01/2000
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Tin ha mo dik jeung moon yan"
"Tian xia wu di zhang men ren"

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:256775, Added: 05/06/2018, Last updated: 02/24/2023