
The Killer Wore Gloves(Movie, 1974)

Original title: "La muerte llama a las 10" (Spanish/ES)
1h 30min | Genre: Thriller
The Killer Wore GlovesRating: 2.5/5 (with 44 votes)
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Movie poster of The Killer Wore Gloves

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About The Killer Wore Gloves

At Heathrow Airport, a man is razored to death in a toilet cubicle. A young woman, Peggy Foster, is concerned about the disappearance of Michael, her photographer boyfriend, who has been in Vietnam for months. In order to pay the rent, she reluctantly sub-lets her garret flat to a man called John Kirk Lawford. The new tenant wears sunglasses indoors and acts suspiciously. Peggy is lured to an abandoned airfield by a call from Michael but is shot at by a sniper. Back at her apartment block she is shocked to find that a man has apparently committed suicide by jumping from her balcony. While the police question Peggy, a stranger turns up and announces himself as John Kirk Lawford! Shirley, secretary to Peggy's lascivious publisher, is killed by a black-gloved intruder and the mystery deepens...

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Additional Information

Production countries: Spain, Italy
Original language: Spanish (ES)
Spoken languages: Spanish (ES)
Translated into 4 languages: German (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), Italian (IT)
Status: Released
Release date US: 08/05/1974
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Επαφή πριν απ' τον φόνο"
Keywords: whodunit

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:117407, Added: 03/22/2018, Last updated: 02/25/2023