
The Kid Who Couldn't Miss(Movie, 1983)

1h 19min | Genres: Documentary, War
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The Kid Who Couldn't Miss is a 1983 docudrama film directed by Paul Cowan. Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, it combines fact and fiction to question fighter pilot Billy Bishop's accomplishments during World War I, featuring excerpts from John MacLachlan Gray's play Billy Bishop Goes to War. The film specifically questions accounts of Bishop's solo mission to attack a German aerodrome on June 2, 1917, for which he was awarded a Victoria Cross, and suggests the event was imaginary and that Bishop exaggerated his own accomplishments. In one particularly contentious scene, his mechanic claims that the damage to his fighter was confined to a small circle in a non-critical area, implying that Bishop had landed his aircraft off-field, shot the holes in it, and then flown home with claims of combat damage. In reality, his mechanic was his biggest supporter in this issue and the scene was entirely fictitious. The mechanic insisted that Bishop had not fabricated the damage. ()
Movie poster of The Kid Who Couldn't Miss

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About The Kid Who Couldn't Miss

Paul Cowan's feature-length film combines fiction and reality to tell the story of how William Avery (Billy) Bishop became one of the leading fighter pilots of World War I. By no accounts a biography of Billy Bishop, the film uses a 'docu-drama' approach to show how one person goes from being a brash kid from Ontario to Canada's most decorated military figure.

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Additional Information

Production country: Canada
Based on: "Billy Bishop Goes to War" (find it on Amazon)
Original language: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 03/03/1983
Cast: William Hutt, Eric Peterson
Director: Paul Cowan
Director of Photography: Paul Cowan

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:381091, Added: 04/26/2020, Last updated: 08/13/2024