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His mother has left and Gonzalo doesn't know why. How he is taking care of his little infant sister all alone, though he himself is barely ten years old. Neighbours help and try to figure out what should be done with the two children. Like old Felipe with his pub, the veterinarian Julio and his wife, or kind Lorena, who's stranded in the town. And gradually Gonzalo finds out what is really going on.
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Other movies with this title: The Kid (US, 1910), The Kid (US, 1921), The Kid (HK, 1950), The Kid (RO, 1962), The Kid (RO, 1985), The Kid (US, 1997), The Kid (HK, 1999), The Kid (US, 2000), The Kid (GB, 2010), The Kid (2018), The Kid (US, 2019), The Kid (2020)