
The Kazakh Business in America(Movie, 2017)

Original title: "Бизнес по-казахски в Америке" (Russian/RU)
1h 31min | Genre: Comedy
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Movie poster of The Kazakh Business in America

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About The Kazakh Business in America

After closing the deal with foreign sponsors Zhomart hopes to get a five stars status to his little hotel but this plan goes south.

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Additional Information

Production country: Kazakhstan
Original language: Russian (RU)
Translated into 2 languages: English (EN), Russian (RU)
Status: Released
Release date US: 12/28/2017
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Бизнес по-казахски в Америке"

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:244469, Added: 05/03/2018, Last updated: 09/13/2024