
The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin(Movie, 1918)

1h 10min
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The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin (also known as The Beast of Berlin and The Kaiser) was a 1918 American silent war propaganda melodrama film produced and directed by, and starring, Rupert Julian. The screenplay was co-written by Rupert Julian and Elliott J. Clawson. The film's supporting cast included Elmo Lincoln, Nigel De Brulier, Harry Von Meter and Lon Chaney. No known prints of the film survive. The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin is one of the films included on the American Film Institute's list of the "Ten Most Wanted" lost films. A still exists showing Lon Chaney as "Herr Bethmann-Hollweg" standing directly behind the Kaiser (Rupert Julian). The fi... ()
Movie poster of The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin

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About The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin

A propagandistic view of the First World War, showing the political greed of the German Kaiser Wilhelm, the resistance of some of his own soldiers, and fanciful prediction of the nature of the war's end.

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Plays in: Belgium
Original language: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/02/1918
Director: Rupert Julian
Producer: Rupert Julian
Director of Photography: Edward A. Kull
Keywords: lost film
Color: Black & White (B/W)

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:177188, Added: 04/17/2018, Last updated: 08/22/2024