
The July Storms. Outburst(Movie, 1991)

Original title: "Липневі грози. Викид" (Ukrainian/UK)
1h 15min | Genre: Documentary
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Movie poster of The July Storms. Outburst

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About The July Storms. Outburst

The second film of The July Storms duology starts with an accident at the Pochenkov Mine in February 1990, which caused the death of 13 miners. Since the summer protests, the real situation in the mines hardly changed; this lead to the second wave of miners' protests in 1990-91. This time, the miners' slogans include political demands, mentioning the decommunization of power and Ukraine's independence. The miners' representatives meet the communist officials, in particular with Stanislav Hubenko, the last First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and Nikolay Ryzhkov, the head of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The miners meet the August coup and the final disintegration of the country of the Soviets in strike committees.

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Additional Information

Production country: Soviet Union
Original language: Ukrainian (UK)
Translated into 2 languages: English (EN), Ukrainian (UK)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/01/1991

2 movies in the Collection

1989 The July Storms. Strike ("Липневі грози. Страйк")
1991 The July Storms. Outburst

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:446561, Added: 07/24/2021, Last updated: 03/04/2023