
The Joy of Life(Movie, 2005)

1h 5min | Genre: Documentary
The Joy of LifeRating: 2.6/5 (with 33 votes)
The Joy of Life is a 2005 experimental landscape documentary film by filmmaker Jenni Olson about the history of suicide at the Golden Gate Bridge, and the adventures of a butch lesbian in San Francisco, California. Following its January 2005 premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, the film played a pivotal role in renewing debate about the need for a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge and garnered praise and awards for its unique filmmaking style. The film combines 16mm landscape cinematography with a lyrical voiceover (performed by LA-based artist/actor Harriet "Harry” Dodge) to share two San Francisco stories: the history of the Golden Gate Bridge as a suicide landmark, and the story of a lesbian in San Francisco searching for love and self-discovery. The two stories are punctuated by Lawrence Ferlinghetti's reading of his ode to San Francisco, "The Changing Light", and bookended by opening and closing credits music from legendary 1950s icon (and probable Golden Gate suicide) Weldon Kees. The film is dedicated to the memory of Mark Finch, who committed suicide by jumping from the bridge in January 1995. ()
Movie poster of The Joy of Life

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About The Joy of Life

A blending of documentary and experimental narrative strategies, combining stunning 16mm landscape cinematography with a bold, lyrical voice-over to share two San Francisco stories: the history of the Golden Gate Bridge as “suicide landmark,” and the story of a butch dyke in San Francisco searching for love and self-discovery. The Joy of Life is a film about landscapes, both physical and emotional.

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 05/22/2005
Director: Jenni Olson
Screenwriter: Jenni Olson
Keywords: woman director

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Other movies with this title: The Joy of Life (FR, 1934), The Joy of Life (KH, 1969)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:225336, Added: 04/29/2018, Last updated: 08/26/2024