
The Jill & Tony Curtis Story(Movie, 2008)

1h 13min | Genre: Documentary
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The Jill & Tony Curtis Story is a 2008 feature-length documentary directed by Ian Ayres, is about Tony Curtis and his wife and their efforts to rescue horses from slaughterhouses. A camera crew follows Jill and Tony Curtis as they take in horses that would have been inhumanely killed and sent overseas as food for humans. The DVD of the documentary includes bonus features concerning such topics as Tony Curtis the artist, how Tony met Jill, and their love of horses. ()

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About The Jill & Tony Curtis Story

Actor Tony Curtis and his wife, Jill, discuss the important need to protect horses from consumption overseas in this documentary, which examines the couple's passionate struggle for equestrian rights and personal efforts to rescue horses. Featuring startling footage captured directly inside a slaughterhouse, this meaningful movie aims to celebrate horses and keep them shielded from cruel and senseless deaths.

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 04/27/2008
Director: Ian Ayres
Producer: Eric Ellena
WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:101164, Added: 03/19/2018, Last updated: 09/12/2024