
The Jazz Channel Presents Freddie Jackson(Movie, 2001)

1h 5min | Genre: Music
The Jazz Channel Presents Freddie JacksonRating: 3.5/5 (with 11 vote)
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Movie poster of The Jazz Channel Presents Freddie Jackson

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About The Jazz Channel Presents Freddie Jackson

One of the premiere R&B balladeers of the past 20 years, Grammy-nominated Freddie Jackson rocks the night away on "Jazz Central." This rousing concert is jam-packed with wild surprises and romance as Jackson performs before a live audience at BET's Studio II in Washington, D.C.

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Additional Information

Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 12/04/2001
Keywords: music

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:195454, Added: 04/24/2018, Last updated: 02/26/2023