
The Jar(Movie, 1994)

Original title: "Khomreh" (Persian/FA)
1h 26min
The JarRating: 3.6/5 (with 55 votes)
Khomreh (Persian: خمره; literally "jar") is an Iranian film directed by Ebrahim Forouzesh. The story is set on a hot schoolyard where kids quench their thirst using water from a large jar. One day it starts to leak. Fixing it proves to be a bigger problem than expected. ()
Movie poster of The Jar

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About The Jar

In the yard of an Iranian village school stands in the shade of a tree a large stoneware jar from which all the pupils drink fresh water. On an unfortunate day, the jar starts leaking. The schoolmaster tries hard to get a new one but in vain. The only solution is to have it fixed...

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Additional Information

Production country: Iran
Plays in: Iran
Original language: Persian (FA)
Spoken languages: Persian (FA)
Translated into 4 languages: English (EN), Persian (FA), Italian (IT), Russian (RU)
Status: Released
Release date US: 04/01/1994
Director: Ebrahim Forouzesh

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Other movies with this title: The Jar (SU, 1971), The Jar (US, 1984), The Jar (AR, 2008), The Jar (US, 2017), The Jar (GR/GB, 2020)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:112931, Added: 03/22/2018, Last updated: 09/13/2024