
The Jane Doe Murders(Movie, 2021)

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Movie poster of The Jane Doe Murders

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About The Jane Doe Murders

Yolanda McClary, a renowned forensic specialist and former Las Vegas crime investigator who specializes in the recovery of DNA, has made it her mission to help give Jane Does their names back. Using groundbreaking new forensic technology and DNA databases, Yolanda and her team of genealogists set out to help local law enforcement solve a murder case from 23 years ago and reveal the identity of a woman left for dead in the remote woods of Polk County, Oregon. With nothing but bones, Yolanda works feverishly to piece together what happened and potentially uncover clues that can help open new roads in the case.

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Additional Information

Original language: English (EN)
Translated into 3 languages: English (EN), Spanish (ES), Italian (IT)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/03/2021

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:421654, Added: 01/16/2021, Last updated: 02/22/2023