
The Iron Phoenix: Across the Thousands Miles(Movie, 2018)

Original title: "纵横千里之铁凤凰" (Chinese (Mandarin)/ZH)
1h 33min | Genre: Drama
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Movie poster of The Iron Phoenix: Across the Thousands Miles

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About The Iron Phoenix: Across the Thousands Miles

Sheriff Zhan Yu encountered a man who died suddenly before traveling with her colleagues in the crew. The man stole something on police officer Cai Yin before dying. Zhan Yu and others continued to board the car after handing over with colleagues. What they didn't expect was that the ensuing series of abnormal conditions endangered the safety of the entire train.

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Additional Information

Original language: Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Spoken languages: Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 12/24/2018
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Zong heng qian li zhi tie feng huang"

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2008 | 3.5/5 | 2h 1min
WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:367733, Added: 02/09/2020, Last updated: 03/01/2023