
The Iron Friends(Movie, 1960)

Original title: "Железные друзья" (Russian/RU)
10min | Genre: Animation
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Movie poster of The Iron Friends

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About The Iron Friends

In an abandoned dump, old metal objects are thrown out - a kettle, a can, a screw with a screw, and a rusty little carnation. They feel lost and unnecessary to anyone. And then another and insidious rust is selected to destroy the poor. But suddenly they learn that there are such points where they can still come in handy and already serve people in a new guise. Having found this place, friends are surprised to discover that they were not alone in such a deplorable situation and that a whole line of metal things, large and small, lined up for melting.

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Additional Information

Production country: Soviet Union
Made by: Soyuzmultfilm
Original language: Russian (RU)
Spoken languages: Russian (RU)
Translated into 2 languages: English (EN), Russian (RU)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/01/1960

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:408338, Added: 10/31/2020, Last updated: 02/27/2023