
The Invitation(Movie, 2003)

1h 25min | Genres: Horror, Drama, Thriller
The InvitationRating: 2.5/5 (with 44 votes)
The Invitation is a thriller and horror film released on January 1, 2003. It is rated R and runs approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes. The movie was written and directed by Pat Bermel and stars Lance Henriksen, Christopher Shyer, Stellina Rusich, Stefanie von Pfetten, David Livingstone, Douglas O'Keeffe, Sarah-Jane Redmond, and Lideo Baldeon. ()
Movie poster of The Invitation

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About The Invitation

When an author invites his friends to his home on a private island, the guests realize they've been poisoned at dinner. The only way to receive the antidote from their twisted host will be to confess to all the lies they've ever told.

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Additional Information

Production country: Canada
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 3 languages: English (EN), Russian (RU), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 12/23/2003
Director: Pat Bermel

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Other movies with this title: The Invitation (FR/CH, 1973), The Invitation (US, 2015), The Invitation (DE, 2020), The Invitation (US, 2022), The Invitation (LU, 2022), The Invitation (2023)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:181726, Added: 04/21/2018, Last updated: 08/24/2024