
The Invisible Ray(Movie, 1920)

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The Invisible Ray is a 1920 American science fiction film serial directed by Harry A. Pollard. Early press accounts cited the "scientific foundation of the plot. In this respect the production differs from other serials. Fact and not fancy governs the action throughout. The plot is based on a scientific investigation made by the author of the serial, Guy McConnell, investigation for several research institutions and for the Chemical Division of the United States Department of the Interior." The film was also lauded for its special effects. According to a report in The Moving Picture World, "Mighty buildings, rocks and forests are set afire and exploded. The expert application of clever photographic devices makes the picture appear strikingly realistic." The serial is now considered to be lost. ()
Movie poster of The Invisible Ray

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About The Invisible Ray

A scientist discovers a death ray and locks it in a box, giving the key to his daughter, who soon finds herself hunted by criminals looking to steal the deadly mineral.

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 07/01/1920
Cast: Ruth Clifford, Jack Sherrill
Screenwriter: Guy McConnell
Keywords: death ray, mutant
Color: Black & White (B/W)

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:463898, Added: 11/09/2021, Last updated: 08/26/2024