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Barcelona, Spain. Adrián Doria, a young and successful businessman accused of murder, meets one night with Virginia Goodman, an expert interrogation lawyer, in order to devise a defense strategy.
Production country:
Derivative works/Adaptions: "
The Invisible Witness" (movie, 2018), "
Badla" (movie, 2019), "
Evaru" (movie, 2019), "
Red Dot" (movie, 2021), "
The Invisible Guest" (
find it on Amazon), "
Confession" (movie, 2022)
Translated into 37 languages:
Arabic (AR),
Bulgarian (BG),
Catalan (CA),
Czech (CS),
Danish (DA),
German (DE),
Greek (EL),
English (EN),
Spanish (ES),
Finnish (FI),
French (FR),
Hebrew (HE),
Croatian (HR),
Hungarian (HU),
Italian (IT),
Japanese (JA),
Georgian (KA),
Korean (KO),
Lithuanian (LT),
Malayalam (ML),
Norwegian Bokmål (NB),
Dutch (NL),
Norwegian Nynorsk (NN),
Norwegian (NO),
Polish (PL),
Portuguese (PT),
Romanian (RO),
Russian (RU),
Slovak (SK),
Slovenian (SL),
Serbian (SR),
Swedish (SV),
Thai (TH),
Turkish (TR),
Ukrainian (UK),
Vietnamese (VI),
Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 02/10/2017 (World premiere: 01/06/2017)
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"2016 - Contratiempo"
"Der unsichtbare Gast"
"El invitado invisible"
"インビジブル・ゲスト 悪魔の証明"
unreliable narrator,
grieving father,
mountain resort,
barcelona, spain,
uncover truth,
locked room mystery,
accused of murder,
falsely accused,
manipulative lover
Budget: 4,000,000 USD
Revenue: 30,000,000 USD (= 750%)