
The Invincibles(Movie, 1994)

Original title: "Die Sieger" (German/DE)
2h 10min | Genres: Action, Drama, Thriller
The InvinciblesRating: 3.2/5 (with 66 votes)
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Movie poster of The Invincibles

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About The Invincibles

Simon, the leader of a police special unit, becomes caught up in a complex scheme involving bribery and money-laundering, as well as an affair with the beautiful wife of a government official investigating organized crime and political corruption. After the official is kidnapped, the chase leads to a dramatic conclusion high in the Bavarian Alps.

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Additional Information

Production country: Germany
Original language: German (DE)
Spoken languages: German (DE), French (FR), Italian (IT)
Translated into 4 languages: German (DE), English (EN), French (FR), Portuguese (PT)
Status: Released
Release date US: 09/22/1994
Director: Dominik Graf
Screenwriter: Günter Schütter, Bernd Schwamm
Film Editor: Christel Suckow
Director of Photography: Diethard Prengel
Composer: Dominik Graf
Keywords: whirlpool, dog, police

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:62936, Added: 03/14/2018, Last updated: 09/12/2024