
The Invincible Constable(Movie, 1993)

Original title: "七俠五義之五鼠鬧東京" (Chinese (Cantonese)/CN)
1h 32min | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy
No rating available yet.
The Invincible Constable is a 1993 Chinese-Taiwanese martial arts comedy film directed by Hong Kong director Chan Muk-chuen, based on the 19th-century novel The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. The film was shot in Dajinhu National Geopark (大金湖国家地质公园) in Taining County, Fujian, a protected area of China. ()
Movie poster of The Invincible Constable

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About The Invincible Constable

A confusing little period film in which 5 brothers and a sister all seem to have considerable kung fu skills and live on a secluded island. The younger brother for reasons unexplained keeps going to the mainland to challenge the constable to a fight. The constable is a good guy though and at some point during the film the brothers and sister and constable all team up to battle the real evil doer.

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Additional Information

Production country: People's Republic of China
Plays in: Henan
Original language: Chinese (Cantonese) (CN)
Spoken languages: Chinese (Cantonese) (CN)
Translated into 3 languages: English (EN), Russian (RU), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 05/18/1993
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Qi xia wu yi zhi wu shu nao dong jing"

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:293261, Added: 10/14/2018, Last updated: 08/26/2024