
The Intruder(Movie, 2010)

Original title: "เขี้ยวอาฆาต" (Thai/TH)
1h 46min | Genres: Horror, Thriller
The IntruderRating: 2.4/5 (with 55 votes)
The Intruder (Thai: เขี้ยวอาฆาต; RTGS: Khiao A-khat) also known as the revenge of the king cobra is a 2010 Thai horror film directed by Thanadol Nualsuth and Thammanoon Sakulboonthanom. Based on a story by filmmaker Poj Arnon, the plot involves an apartment complex in Thailand being overrun by vicious cobras. The Intruder was the second highest grossing film in Thailand in its opening week being only beaten by Iron Man 2. It received its North American premiere at the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma. ()
Movie poster of The Intruder

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About The Intruder

In an old house, a man is bitten to death by a snake. The special services and the media congregate but are only able to find a few snakes. Later, a group of cobras invade the building which threatens the lives of the habitants.

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Trailer for The Intruder + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

Additional Information

Production country: Thailand
Original language: Thai (TH)
Spoken languages: Thai (TH)
Translated into 8 languages: German (DE), English (EN), French (FR), Hebrew (HE), Hungarian (HU), Polish (PL), Thai (TH), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 04/29/2010
Director: Thanadol Nualsuth
Producer: Poj Arnon
Screenwriter: Poj Arnon
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Die Rache der Königskobra"
"Revenge of the King Cobra"
"Khew ar-khard"

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Other movies with this title: The Intruder (US, 1914), The Intruder (US, 1933), The Intruder (GB, 1953), The Intruder (MX, 1954), The Intruder (IT, 1955), The Intruder (US, 1962), The Intruder (US, 1975), The Intruder (BR, 1979), The Intruder (CA, 1981), The Intruder (GB/CA, 1999), The Intruder (FR, 2005), The Intruder (NL, 2014), The Intruder (FR/IT/CH, 2017), The Intruder (US, 2019), The Intruder (AR/MX, 2021), The Intruder (TZ, 2022)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:25144, Added: 02/24/2018, Last updated: 08/22/2024