
The Insomnia of A Serial Dreamer(Movie, 2021)

2h 50min | Genre: Documentary
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Movie poster of The Insomnia of A Serial Dreamer

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About The Insomnia of A Serial Dreamer

To deal with his insomnia, Mohamed Soueid meets various people and close friends to ask them to tell him stories that could help him get a good night's sleep. After filming for 15 years, the collected rushes have become a film, a series of dreams that have come true and haunted the filmmaker until today.

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Additional Information

Production country: Lebanon
Original language: Arabic (AR)
Spoken languages: Arabic (AR)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 03/21/2021

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:432497, Added: 03/22/2021, Last updated: 02/26/2023