
The Innocent Sleep(Movie, 1996)

1h 50min | Genre: Thriller
The Innocent SleepRating: 1.8/5 (with 11 vote)
The Innocent Sleep is a 1996 British thriller film directed by Scott Michell and starring Rupert Graves, Michael Gambon and Franco Nero. In the film, a homeless man witnesses a gangland killing and becomes a target himself; the film is inspired by the Roberto Calvi murder. ()
Movie poster of The Innocent Sleep

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About The Innocent Sleep

Inspired by the 1982 Roberto Calvi Affair in which an Italian banker was found hanging from a bridge across the River Thames, the story follows Alan, a man from Northern England who is homeless after the loss of his wife and job. One night while sleeping in a deserted building, Alan witnesses the murder of a high-profile businessman. He attempts to leave the scene unnoticed, but the killers realize that someone has seen them commit the crime. He goes to the police only to discover that one of the killers is leading the case. To stay alive, Alan recruits the help of Billie Hayman, an American journalist, to cover his story.

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Trailer for The Innocent Sleep + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

The innocent sleep Trailer 1996 (VHS Capture)(Trailer, 2:17)

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Additional Information

Production country: United Kingdom (UK)
Plays in: London
Original language: French (FR)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 5 languages: German (DE), English (EN), French (FR), Hungarian (HU), Dutch (NL)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/25/1996
Director: Scott Michell
Producer: Matthew Vaughn
Composer: Mark Ayres

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:218268, Added: 04/28/2018, Last updated: 09/12/2024