
The Inheritance of War(Movie, 2009)

1h 12min | Genre: Documentary
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About The Inheritance of War

Detailing an ongoing fight for justice, The Inheritance of War follows the little-known tale of thousands of WWII soldiers held as prisoners of war in the Philippines after the largest defeat in United States military history. The emotional story of survival and hardship describes nearly-forgotten events like the death march across the Bataan Peninsula, the "hell ships" that carried prisoners of war to Japan, and harrowing stories of starvation, poor treatment, and harsh conditions experienced when the men were forced to work as slave laborers for Japanese corporations. Fifty-five years later, the aging soldiers filed a class action suit, seeking justice and recognition for wrongs committed against them by the now multi billion-dollar corporations. James Parkinson, a 30-year veteran attorney from Palm Desert, Calif., worked on their case in 1999. He carries their story to high schools across America, reminding the next generation that the past writes the prologue to the future.

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Additional Information

Official websites:
Original language: English (EN)
Translated into 1 language: English (EN)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/01/2009

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:84442, Added: 03/17/2018, Last updated: 02/26/2023