
The Infernal Cakewalk(Movie, 1903)

Original title: "Le cake-walk infernal" (French/FR)
5min | Genres: Fantasy, Comedy
The Infernal CakewalkRating: 2.8/5 (with 1919 votes)
Le Cake-Walk infernal, sold in the United States as The Cake Walk Infernal and in Britain as The Infernal Cake Walk, is a 1903 French silent trick film by Georges Méliès. It was sold by Méliès's Star Film Company and is numbered 453–457 in its catalogues. The film features the cakewalk, which was booming in popularity in 1903. Méliès appears in the film as Pluto/Satan and as the grotesque dancing demon. This rhythm-dependent film was probably filmed to piano accompaniment in the studio. Special effects in the film were worked with trapdoors, stage machinery, pyrotechnics, substitution splices, and multiple exposures. The Infernal Cake Walk features several examples of elements reused from, or later reused in, other films also made by Méliès. The demon masks in the film were originally made for Méliès's A Trip to the Moon (1902), where they are worn by the Selenites (Moon dwellers); similarly, the effect of dancing limbs had previously been used in Dislocation Extraordinary (1901). Conversely, Méliès reused The Infernal Cakewalk's grotto set in his later film The Damnation of Faust (1903), and recycled the will-o'-the-wisp effect in The Infernal Cauldron (1903). ()
Movie poster of The Infernal Cakewalk

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About The Infernal Cakewalk

Pluto, having seen the earth, comes back home amazed at the success of that well-known dance, the "cake-walk." He has brought back with him two noted well-known dancers, who start their favorite dance amidst the flames.

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Trailer for The Infernal Cakewalk + Featurettes/Teaser/Clips

1903 Georges Méliès Le Cake walk Infernal Short movie court metrage Silent Muet(Clip, 4:19)

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Additional Information

Production country: France
Made by: Star-Film
Original language: French (FR)
Translated into 3 languages: English (EN), French (FR), Turkish (TR)
Status: Released
Release date US: 06/12/1903
Screenwriter: Georges Méliès
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Le Cake-Walk infernal"
"Pokoli Cake-walk"
Color: Black & White (B/W)

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:39892, Added: 03/10/2018, Last updated: 09/13/2024