
The Incident(Movie, 2017)

22min | Genres: Comedy, Drama
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Movie poster of The Incident

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About The Incident

At a bus stop near Beirut, a veiled Lebanese woman and a migrant Syrian worker get in a tumultuous moment and are arrested...

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Additional Information

Original language: Arabic (AR)
Spoken languages: Arabic (AR)
Translated into 2 languages: English (EN), Spanish (ES)
Status: Released
Release date US: 12/31/2017

Other movies with this title: The Incident (US, 1967), The Incident (JP, 1978), The Incident (US, 1990), The Incident (UA, 2006), The Incident (CA/AT, 2011), The Incident (US/FR/BE, 2012), The Incident (US, 2013), The Incident (MX, 2014), The Incident (2015), The Incident (2018)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:236244, Added: 05/02/2018, Last updated: 02/28/2023