Sing is a 2016 American animated jukebox musical comedy film produced by Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment, and distributed by Universal. It was written and directed by
Garth Jennings, co-directed by Christophe Lourdelet, and produced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy. Set in a world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals, the film focuses on a struggling theater owner who stages a singing competition in an effort to prevent his theater from entering foreclosure, as well as how the competition interferes with the personal lives of its contestants. The film stars the voices of Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane, Scarlett Johansson, John C. Reilly, Tori Kelly, Taron Egerton, Nick Kroll, Beck Bennett, Jay Pharoah, Leslie Jones, Laraine Newman, Peter Serafinowicz, Nick Offerman, Rhea Perlman, and Jennifer Saunders. The film features more than 60 songs from famous artists, mostly performed diegetically. It also has an original song by Stevie Wonder and Ariana Grande called "Faith", which was nominated for a Golden Globe. Aside from these songs, Joby Talbot composed the film's score. Sing first screened during the Toronto International Film Festival on Sep...