
Elemental(Movie, 2023)

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Movie poster of Elemental

About Elemental

In a city where fire, water, land, & air residents live together, a fiery young woman & a go-with-the-flow guy will discover something elemental: How much they have in common.

Additional Information

Official websites:
Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 8 languages: English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Hebrew (HE), Italian (IT), Korean (KO), Portuguese (PT), Vietnamese (VI)
Status: In Production
Release date US: 06/16/2023
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Disney and Pixar's Elemental"

Similar movies as Elemental

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Other movies with this title: Elemental (US, 2012)

WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:503059, Added: 09/05/2022, Last updated: 11/21/2023