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Devilish Education(Movie, 1995)

Original title: "Diabelska edukacja" (Polish/PL)
29min | Genres: Drama, Fantasy
Devilish EducationRating: 3.2/5 (with 55 votes)
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Movie poster of Devilish Education

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About Devilish Education

Gosia is a beautiful and innocent young maid on the catholic countryside tending the cattle. One summer day she is having a bath in the river naked as god created her. On the next day a stranger appears painting and painting all day long. As they talk the black dressed suddenly shows her a picture showing her naked in the river. At first she is very ashamed, but then she begins to forget her shyness.

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Additional Information

Production country: Poland
Original language: Polish (PL)
Spoken languages: Polish (PL)
Translated into 8 languages: English (EN), Spanish (ES), Japanese (JA), Korean (KO), Polish (PL), Turkish (TR), Ukrainian (UK), Chinese (Mandarin) (ZH)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/11/1995
Cast: Renata Dancewicz, Marek Kondrat, Joanna Białek, Adam Ferency, Stanislaw Brudny, Anna Dymna
Director: Janusz Majewski
Producer: Lew Rywin
Screenwriter: Janusz Majewski
Director of Photography: Witold Adamek
Production Designer: Andrzej Haliński
Alternative titles in other countries (from previews, ads etc.):
"Der Teufel und die Jungfrau"

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:228095, Added: 04/29/2018, Last updated: 01/24/2025