
Cop Dog(Movie, 2008)

| 1h 30min | Genres: Action, Adventure, Kids & Family
Cop DogRating: 1.9/5 (with 22 votes)
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Movie poster of Cop Dog

Where to watch Cop Dog (cinema/streaming/download)?

"Cop Dog" is currently available on 2 providers. Cop Dog can be streamed free of charge on Amazon Prime Video (as part of a subscription), can be rented on Amazon Instant Video (SD/HD/4K) and Cop Dog can also be purchased at Amazon Instant Video (as download from the website or as Blu-ray Disc/DVD).

Amazon Prime Video
Available languages: English
Available subtitles: English
Duration: 1h 28min
Available on Amazon Prime Video Channel "Dove Channel"
Amazon Instant Video
Available languages: English
Available subtitles: English
Duration: 1h 28min
Amazon Instant Video
Available languages: English
Available subtitles: English
Duration: 1h 28min
Also available at on: DVD

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About Cop Dog

Ever since Robby's father was killed while on police duty, Robby has been angry and alone. His father's old partner, a police dog named Marlowe, suffers the same fate. So when Robby sees Marlowe alone and locked up in a cage he begs his mum to let him have him. Instantly, the two are best friends. But, being a cop dog, when Marlowe, sees two familiar criminals in the woods.

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Additional Information

Production country: United States of America (USA)
Original language: English (EN)
Spoken languages: English (EN)
Translated into 6 languages: Czech (CS), English (EN), French (FR), Polish (PL), Slovenian (SL), Turkish (TR)
Status: Released
Release date US: 01/01/2008

Similar movies as Cop Dog

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1996 | 2.8/5 | 1h 33min

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WatchPlayStream ID: MOVIES:126950, Added: 03/25/2018, Last updated: 09/22/2024